
LE DeLano - 2021    

L.E. DeLano comes equipped with a “useless” Theatre degree that has opened doors for her in numerous ways. Though mostly raised in New Mexico, she now lives in Pennsylvania with two adventurous kids and two ridiculous cats. When she’s not writing (which is almost never), she’s binge-watching Supernatural and planning road trips.

L.E.’s 2021 novel, BLUE, received six literary awards including the SPARK Award by The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), a Gold Medal in Young Adult Fiction in the Reader Views Reviewer’s Choice Awards, and was named an NYC Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite in Young Adult Fiction. Her debut novel, TRAVELER, was a Keystone State Reading Association (KSRA) Secondary Book Awards Finalist for 2018-2019. 

BLUE Press Release 

TRAVELER Press Release

DREAMER Press Release

Twitter (X): @LE_DeLano

Instagram: @le_delano

Tumblr: @ledelano

Facebook: authorledelano


  1. Ellie, my daughter & I met you at B&N in West Chester, PA early summer 2018. Finally, life slowed a bit & had time to read Travelers & am almost finished w Dreamers. How did you do it? It’s intricate complexities go beyond anything I’ve read as each curve traces along a sea creatures’ shell easily moving from one to another next never stopping the flow of Jess & Finn’s story except for a few abrupt stops to help the reader pay even closer attention. And, traveling seems more real than ever. It was a blessing to meet you at a time when my life needed you to pass through it. Looking forward to more adventures in your books & the ones it may encourage for me.
